Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog exam center details published by Koshi Pradesh Lok Sewa. Koshi Pradesh Lok Sewa Exam Center details. Assistant Level 4th Level, Assistant Computer Operator Post First Phase Written Examination center details. Province Pradesh Public Service Commission, Koshi, Biratnagar Advertisement No. 67-71 / 2079-80 (Internal Competition, Open and Inclusive), published various services under local government service, assistant level 4th level, assistant computer operator post, examination center Biratnagar and approved the application form through the online application system of the State Public Service Commission.
This notice is published for the information of all concerned as the first stage competitive written examination of the candidates will be conducted as per the pre-determined examination program on the following date, time, and place.
Exam Center Details of: Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Koshi Pradesh
Exam Center of: Assistant Sahayak Computer Operator
Exam Start From: 2080 Jestha 20
Exam Time: 8:00Am
- You will not be admitted to the exam without the admit card.
- Candidates 1 hour before the exam time on the day of the exam for the purpose of locating the exam room
- You should reach the exam hall in advance.
- Admit cards will not be distributed from the examination hall.
- Calculators, mobile phones, smartwatches and other similar electronic devices are not allowed to be carried/used in the examination hall.
- Only black ink should be used in the answer sheet.
- When the examinee comes to the examination center, along with the admit card issued by the commission, the candidate must bring with him/her a complete certificate of citizenship or voter’s identity card or vehicle driver’s license or any of the photo identification cards issued by the government office.
- Even if there is an unexpected holiday on the day of the examination, the examination will not be postponed as per the scheduled program without prior notice of the Commission.
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