Teacher Bisthapit Name Lists for Various districts. Teacher Displaced Name Lists due to the appointment of a Permanent Teacher. List of teachers who have been displaced while appointing permanent teachers. Education Development of Coordination Unit District Office published the Teacher Displaced name lists.
As the recommendation letter regarding the permanent appointment and posting of the teacher candidates recommended for the permanent appointment of the Directorate of Education and Social Development has been received, in the course of the appointment, according to the records received from the local level and in this office, the following secondary level teachers with temporary/contract appointment dates are working in the schools mentioned in the details. It can be seen from the records that teachers should be displaced from temporary/contractual service on the basis of subject seniority.
Teacher Bisthapit Teacher Displaced Name Lists of Various Districts
Therefore, this notification has been published to the concerned teachers who should not be displaced based on the date of appointment and if there are teachers junior to them in other schools, they should submit a written claim and protest along with evidence proving their seniority.
Through this notification, it is also informed that there will be no hearing on the claims received after the specified date and that the appointment process will be conducted according to the rules.
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