The Teacher Service Commission TSC published the application form fill up notice for teaching license teacher license for Nimabi Level Lower Secondary Level. Apply Nimabi Level teaching license application. License tsc gov np apply Now. Apply online application for a Teaching Teacher License of Lower secondary level NiMabi Level. TSC Shikshak Sewa Aayog published the notice regarding form fill up for Teaching License of Lower Secondary level NiMabi. Teaching License Vacancy 2081 TSC Teacher License Application.
The Teachers Service Commission has called for applications for teaching licenses. The Commission has invited online applications from those who are interested in teaching at primary, lower secondary, and secondary levels to participate in the examination of teaching permits subject to qualifications and conditions.
Lower Secondary Level NiMabi Teaching License Application Open Apply Now
Apply online only after ensuring the personal details and documents to be submitted, and if there are any discrepancies later, the person will be responsible and liable and the commission can take no action in this regard.
Teaching License Vacancy Application open Date: 2081 Bhadra 31
Last Date to Apply: 2081 Ashwin 29
Last Date with Double Fee: 2081 Kartik 6
Teaching License Exam Date: 2081 Mangsir 15
Teacher License Exam Time: 1:00 Pm
Online Apply for Teaching License: Link Given Below
=> View Full Notice of Teaching License Application & Process to Apply
How to Registration/ Login/ Fill up Online Application Teaching License
This TSC License Online Application Form Fill up User manual will provide all the basic knowledge regarding Teacher Service Commission. This manual will help you to navigate through the system to apply for teaching license exam application.
- Step 1: First of all enter URL in Google Chrome or Firefox or Internet Explorer.
- Step 2: Candidate can register or Login into TSC License portal clicking into Account Login button.
- Step 2: If register has not been done, click on “Click here” link to register.
- Step 3: To create an account user needs to add personal email address, mobile no. and Password. After that click on “Register” button to save the information added.
Note: After user has been registered, user will get email for verification purpose. - Step 4: To verify your email address, user gets OTP code (6 digits) number in your email and mobile that you have registered.
- Step 5: Enter your OTP code in the given box. Then click on “Verify” button.
Note: If code is not available, then click on “Didn’t get OTP Code? Click to resend” link. - Further stepwise details for TSC License online application are given below.